Past Award Recipients

The Idaho Chapter is pleased to announce the past recipients of the Chapter awards. The award recipients since 2000 are listed below. For a list of award recipients prior to 2000, please seeĀ The History of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (PDF).

Lifetime Achievement Award

2023Sharon Kiefer
2022Sue Ireland, Jeff Dillon
2021Paul Kline
2020Don Zaroban, Chip Corsi
2019Charlie Petrosky, Mark Gamblin, Dan Schill
2018Russ Thurow
2017Bill Horton, Virgil Moore
2016Al Van Vooren
2015Steve Elle
2014Not Awarded
2013Don Martin, Vaughn Paragamian
2012Ned Horner, Christine Moffitt
2011Not Awarded
2010Edward L Lider
2009Susan B. Martin, Timothy Burton
2008Bruce Rieman
2007Dave Burns
2006Not Awarded
2005Not Awarded
2004Tim Cochnauer
2003Dave Bennett
2002Dick Wallace
2001Ted Bjornn
2000Not Awarded

Outstanding Fishery Professional Award

2022Josh McCormick
Tim Copeland
Herb Roerick
2021Andy Dux
2020Jordan Messner
Ernest Keeley
2019Curtis Roth
Brett High
Matthew Campbell
Daniel Schill
Don Whitney
Kevin Meyer
Brett Bowersox
Luciano Chiaramonte
Joshua McCormick
Tony Lamansky
Michael Quist
Ninh Vu
2018Not Awarded
2017Kevin Meyer
2016Missing Information
2015Cindy Robertson
2014Brett High
Dan Isaak
2013Jim Chandler
2012Matt Campbell
Christine Kozfkay
2011Jim Gregory
Paddy Murphy
2010Matt Woodard
Charlie Petrosky
Warren Colyer
Dan Axness

Outstanding Early Career Professional Award

2023Audrey Harris

Richard L. Wallace Native Fish Conservationist of the Year Award

2023Kevin Meyer
2022Not Awarded
2021Arnie Brimmer
2020Bart Gamett
2019Matthew Campbell
2018Nez Perce Tribe Watershed Project
2017Dan Schill
2016Joe DosSantos
2015Lonnie Hutson and the U of I Prichard Art Gallery
2014Paul Kline
2013Joe DuPont
2012Russ Thurow
2011Sue Ireland
2010Warren Colyer
2009Ned Horner
2008Rob Van Kirk
2007Virgil Moore
2006Bruce Rieman
2005Vaughn Paragamian
2004Jim Fredericks

Outstanding Mentor Award

2023Katherine Coykendall
2022Rob Van Kirk
Joe Kozfkay
2021Eric Billman
2020Brett High
2019Robert Hand
2018Pat Kennedy
2017Eric Billman
2016Dan Isaak
2015Missing Information
2014Michael Quist
2013Tom Curet
2012Virgil Moore
2011Kevin Meyer
2010Bart Gamett
2009Christine Moffitt
2008Ed Schriever
2007Steve Elle
2006Scott LaPatra

Excellence in Aquaculture Award

2022The Grace Fish Hatchery Program
Wayne Fowler and Steve Stowell
2021Snake River Sockeye Recovery Team
2020IDFG Cabinet Gorge Fish Hatchery Management Team
John Rankin, Tyler Schober, Derrick Tuttle
2019Tyson Fehringer
Dworshak National Fish Hatchery USFWS and Nez Perce Tribal Fish Production and Maintenance Team
2018Gregg Anderson
2017Doug Munson
2016Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
2015Christine Moffitt
2014Jack Christensen
2013Not Awarded
2012Dave Teuscher
2011Jack Siple
2010Joe Chapman
2009IDFG Eagle Fish Hatchery
2008Keith Johnson

Aquatic Habitat Award

2023Eagle Valley Ranch
2022Trout Unlimited-Beyeler Ranch, Upper Lemhi Enhancement ProjectMatt Green
2021Big Creek Ranch
Bayha Island Research Project – Snake River Stewardship Program
Tom and Michael Page
Jim Chandler, Program Manager
2020IDFG Fisheries Habitat Team
2019Tiege Ulschmid, Ryan Banks, Lauren Andrews, Jeanne McFall, Art Butts
2018Harris Springs Habitat ProjectLaurie Harris, Ryan Hillyard, David Teuscher, Cary Myler
The Bear River Environmental Coordination Committeee
2017West Fork Yankee ProjectJim Gregory, Cassi Wood, Bart Gamett
2016Caribou-Targhee National ForestJackknife Watershed Restoration Project

Annual Merit Award

2023Rob Van Kirk
Rebekah Horn
Served as President 2022-2023
Served as Secretary-Treasurer 2021-2023
2022Tim Copeland
Lytle Denny
Service as President 2021-2022
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2020-2022
2021Ryan Hardy
Lauren Andrews
Service as President 2020-2021
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2019-2021
2020 Brett High
Matt Belnap
Service as President 2019-2020
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2018-2020
2019Dan Schill
Rob Ryan
Service as President 2018-2019
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2017-2019
2018 Helen Neville
Carson Watkins
Service as President 2017-2018
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2016-2018
2017Jay Hesse
Kevin Meyer
Service as President 2016-2017
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2015-2017
2016Jim Chandler
Steve Anglea
Service as President 2015-2016
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2014-2016
2015Tom Curet
Jessica Buelow
Service as President 2014-2015
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2013-2015
2014Joe DuPont
Craig Rabe
Service as President 2013-2014
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2012-2014
2013Dmitri Vidergar
Bill Horton
Service as President 2012-2013
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2011-2013
2012Jason Vogel
Tim Copeland
Service as President 2011-2012
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2010-2012
2011Ernest Keeley
Mick Hoover
Service as President 2010-2011
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2009-2011
2010Jim Fredericks
Christine Kozfkay
Service as President 2008-2010
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2008-2010
2009Matthew A. DavisService as Secretary-Treasurer 2007-2009
2008Bart Gamett
Brian Kennedy
Mike Peterson
Ed Schreiver
Rob Ryan
Dmitri Videgar
Art Butts
Service as President 2007-2008
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2006-2008
Service as Fundraising Chair 2007-2008
Service as Fundraising Chair 2007-2008
Service as Fundraising Chair 2007-2008
Service as Fundraising Chair 2005-2006
Service as Fundraising Chair 2005-2006
2007Jim Capurso
Tammy Hoem
Service as President 2006-2007
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2005-2007
2006Russ Kiefer
Liz Mamer
Jimmy and Marilynn Gabettas
Service as President 2005-2006
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2004-2006
Sponsorship (Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler)
2005Matt Powell
Kristine Vollmer
Brian Leth
Service as President 2004-2005
Service as Secretary-Treasurer 2003-2004
Service as Fundraising Chair
2004Vaughn Paragamian
Steve Elle
Brett Roper
Rob Van Kirk
Jim Capurso
Lance Hebdon
Service as President 2003-2004
Service as President 2002-2003
Service as President 2000-2002
Service as Secretary/Treasurer 2002-2003
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair
Service as Fundraising Chair
2003Liz MamerPersonal Contribution
2002Dana Weigel
Jim Capurso
Cutthroat Trout Introgression Symposium
Cutthroat Trout Introgression Symposium
* Prior to 2009, this award was given for various types of service to the Idaho Chapter. Since 2009, this award has been awarded only to the outgoing Chapter President and outgoing Chapter Treasurer with other types of service to the Chapter being recognized through the Distinguished Service Award.

Distinguished Service Award

2023Christine Stewart
Conor McClure
Luciano Chiaramonte
Pat Kennedy
Carson Watkins

Robert Hand
Lonnie Parry
Sage Unsworth
Tyler Breech
Service as Nominations Committee Chair 2022-2023
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2021-2023
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2021-2023
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair 2017-2022
Service as Continuing Education Committee Chair 2019-2022
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair 2016-2022
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2022-2023
Service as Palouse Unit President 2022-2023
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2022-2023
2022Katharine Coykendall
Martin Koenig
Carlos Camacho
Heiden Bliss
Nicky Mucciarone
Don Zaroban
Jeanne McFall
Mike Edmondson
Shawn Young
Trevor Wheeler
Lynsey Harris
Laurel Faurot
Service as Nominations Committee Chair 2021-2022
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2019-2021
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2019-2021
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2020-2022
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair 2018-2022
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair 2020-2022
Service as Aquatic Habitat Committee Chair 2016-2022
Service as Anadromous Fish Committee Chair 2013-2022
Service as Aquaculture Committee Chair 2018-2022
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2021-2022
Service as Palouse Unit President 2021-2022
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2021-2022
2021Keats Conley
Joe Thiessen
Jessica Buelow
Ken Cain
Dona Horan
Hannah Bluth
Kade Holling
Ben Kline
Service as Nominations Committee Chair 2020-2021
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2017-2019
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair 2016-2020
Service as Aquaculture Committee Chair 2004-2020
Service as Membership Committee Chair
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2020-2021
Service as Palouse Unit President 2020-2021
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2020-2021
2020Micah Davison
Lance Hebdon
Jessica Buelow
Phil Branigan
Bill Young
Drew Suchomel
Darcy McCarrick
Ryan Whitworth
Service as Nominations Committee Chair 2019-2020
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair 2016-2020
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair 2016-2020
Service as Funraising Committee Chair 2018-2020
Service as Anadromous Committee Chair 2002-2019
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2019-2020
Service as Palouse Unit President 2019-2020
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2019-2020
2019Marika Dobos
Sklyer Smith
Katherine Gillies-Rector
Jorge Rosales
Steve Angela
Jamie Mitchell
Laura Sprague
Matt Corsi
Zach Klein
Dan Dauwalter
Service as Nominations Committee Chair 2018-2019
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2017-2018
Service as Palouse Unit President 2017-2018
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2017-2018
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2016-2018
Service as Aquaculture Committee Chair 2014-2018
Service as Auaculture Committee Chair 2014-2018
Service as Continuing Education Committee Chair 2013-2018
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair 2016-2018
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair 2014-2017
2018Zach Klein
Jim Chandler
Darcy McCarrick
Laura Jenkins
Tyson Hallbert
Jason Spillett
Shannon Blackburn
Adam Eckersell
Service as Nominations Committee Chair 2017-2018
Service on the Idaho Climate Summit 2016-2017
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2016-2017
Service as Palouse Unit President 2016-2017
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2016-2017
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2017-2018
Service as Palouse Unit President 2017-2018
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2017-2018
2017Eric Pankau
Darcy McCarrick
Laura Jenkins
Tyson Halbert
Serving as Nominations Chair 2016-2017
Service as BYU SubUnit President 2016-2017
Service as UofI Palouse SubUnit President 2016-2017
Service as ISU Portneuf SubUnit President 2016-2017
2016Bart Gamett
Bryan Grant
Mike Peterson
Corey Lyman
Dan Scaife
Chad Chorney
Stephanie Hallock

Philip Branigan
James Paris
Jon Flinders
Kristi Stevenson
Liz Mamer
Carson Watkins
Awarded for many capacities of service, most recently for Website volunteering since 2007
Service as Nominations Chair 2015-2016
Service as Anadromous Committee Co-Chair 2011-2015
Service as Riparian Committee Co-Chair 2005-2009 and Committee Co-Chair 2010-2015
Service as Fish Habitat Committee Co-Chair 2010-2014
Service in Fundraising 2015-2016
Service as Water Quality Committee Co-Chair 2008-2010 and Fish Habitat Committee Co-Chair 2010-2015
Service as UofI Palouse SubUnit President 2015-2016
Service as ISU Portneuf SubUnit President 2015-2016
Service as AV Volunteer
Service as AV Volunteer
Service as AV Volunteer
Service as AV Volunteer
2015Sabrina Beus
Howard Davis
Greg Schoby
Ryan Hillyard
Casey Watson
Jason Vogel
Work with the Trout-in-the-Classroom program
Promoting sport fishing
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2012-2014
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2013-2015
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair 2011-2014
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair 2013-2015
2014Not Awarded
2013Steve Elle
Bryan Grant
Patrick Kennedy
Doug Munson
Chris Sullivan
Donald Zaroban
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair 2010-2013
Service as Aquaculture Committee Co-Chair 2011-2013
Service as Fundraising Committee Co-Chair 2010-2013
Service as Aquaculture Committee Co-Chair 2011-2013
Service as Fundraising Committee Co-Chair 2010-2013
Production of “Native Fishes of Idaho”
2012Not Awarded
2011Bryan Grant
Tarah Johnson
Vaughn Paragamian
Service as Aquaculture Committee Chair
Service as Technical Coordinator for the 2010 and 2011 annual meetings
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair
2010Dan Garren
Kevin Meyer
Jeff Heindel
Tom Bassista
Jason Vogel
John Cassinelli
Eric Stark
Service as Native Fish Committee Chair
Service as Mentoring Committee Chair
Service as Fish Culture Committee Chair
Service as Membership Committee Chair
Service as Anadromous Fish Committee Chair and as Fundraising Committee Co-Chair
Service as Fundraising Committee Co-Chair
Service as Fundraising Committee Co-Chair
2009Brett HighService as Technical Coordinator for the 2007 and 2008 annual meetings
2008Not Awarded
2007Rick Alsager
Dan Baker
Doug Young
Four Sockeye fundraising contributions
Four Sockeye fundraising contributions
Four Sockeye fundraising contributions
2006Judy Hall-GriswoldDonation of time and art work

Best Student Poster

2023Jon Masingale
2022Colton Turner
2021Mitchell Tree
2020Brianna Frazee
2019Shawnie Geisler
2018Zane Stephenson
2017Darcy McCarrick
2016Zach Beard

Best Student Presentation

2023Jeremy Brooks
2022Brandy Smith
2021Megan Heller
2020Darcy McCarrick
2019Katherine Gillies-Rector
2018Curtis Roth
2017Jake Graham
2018Elizabeth Ng

Best Professional Poster

2023Katharine Coykendall
2022Justin Furby
2021Steve Hughes
2020Courtnie Ghere
2019John Hargrove
2018Daniel Trovillion, Tyler Zumwalt, Leslie Reinhardt and Micah Davison
2017Jason Jones
2016Knut Marius Myrvold

Best Professional Paper

2023Kevin See
2022Josh McCormick
2021Brandon Bentz
2020Allison Lebeda
2019Josh McCormick
2018Carson Watkins
2017Nathan Jensen
2016Windy Davis