Current Award Recipients

The Idaho Chapter is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Chapter awards:

Lifetime Achievement AwardTom Curet
For sustained, dedicated service to the Chapter and Profession
Outstanding Fishery Professional AwardLiz Mamer
For a career’s worth of research contributions to Idaho’s fisheries resources
Outstanding Early Career Professional AwardDarcy McCarrick
For exceptional work on anadromous fisheries
Richard L. Wallace Native Fish
Conservationist of the Year Award
Jeff Diluccia
For his outstanding effort to repair degraded habitats in the upper Salmon River basin
Outstanding Mentor AwardLauri Monnot
Excellence in Aquaculture AwardNeil Graham
For his work on kelt reconditioning at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery
Aquatic Habitat AwardErika Phillips, Greg Loomis, Jeanne McFall, and Matt Belnap
For developing the Silver Creek Partnership
Annual Merit Service AwardKevin Meyer
President 2023-2024
Jesse McCane
Secretary-Treasurer 2022-2024
Distinguished Service AwardRob Ryan
Nominations Committee Chair 2023-2024
Nick Porter
Service as Fundraising Committee Chair 2022-2024
Eric Pankau
Service as Aquaculture Committee Chair 2019-2023
Tom Lindenmuth
Service asAquaculture Committee Chair 2023
Kat Gillies-Rector
Service as Continuing Education Committee Chair 2018-2023
Jake Hughes
Service as Public Education Committee Chair 2018-2022
Buzz Gregory
Service as BYU-Idaho Unit President 2023-2024
Courtnie Ghere
Service as Palouse Unit President 2023-2024
Adam Zambie
Service as Portneuf Unit President 2023-2024
Best Student PosterLogan Thompson
Best Student PresentationNick Voss
Best Professional PosterEric Billman
Best Professional PresentationJose Vazquez