Past Annual Meetings


Combined Meeting of the Idaho Chapter and WA-BC Chapter
Plenary Theme: “Returning Home –
Anadromous Fisheries in the Pacific Northwest”
Location: Centennial Hotel, Spokane, Washington
Dates: April 29 – May 2, 2024
Program with Abstracts
Lamprey Conservation
Nutrition in Aquaculture
Predicting Salmon Runs
PIT Tagging
Communicating Science
Aquatic Connectivity


Combined Meeting of the Idaho Chapter and the Western Division
Plenary Theme: “Managing Aquatic Ecosystems and Shifting Baselines:
Challenges and Opportunities”
Location: Boise Center on the Grove, Boise, Idaho
Dates: May 8-11, 2023
Program with Abstracts
Small Stream Restoration Summit
Primer on the Human Dimensions of Fisheries Management
Everything you ever wanted to know about monitoring stream temperature but were afraid to ask
Using Program R in Fisheries Science: A Primer
Drones and Remote Sensing in Fisheries Science
Identifying and Preventing Harassment in the Field: A Training by FieldFutures
Fish Printing Workshop


Plenary Theme: “Removing barriers: Opening pathways to the fisheries profession”
Location:Shoshone-Bannock Hotel and Events Center, Ft. Hall, Idaho
Dates: March 1-4, 2022
Program and Abstracts
Diverse Perspectives on the Current and Emerging State of Aquaculture in Idaho Workshop
Cultural Competency and Relevancy Workshop
Inclusion in the Workplace: Practical Strategies for Consideration Workshop


Plenary Theme: “Aquaculture in Idaho: Putting the Fish in Fisheries”
Location: Virtual Meeting
Dates: March 1-5, 2021
Oral, Ignite and Poster Abstracts
Fishes Without Borders Workshop
Fish Health and Biosecurity Workshop
Stage 0 Habitat Follow-up & Fish Response Workshop


Plenary Theme: “Navigating the Challenges of Science Communication”
Location: Coeur d’Alene Resort in Coeur d’Alene Idaho
Dates: March 11-13, 2020
Oral, Ignite and Poster Abstracts
Gill Net Design and Gill Net Selectivity Workshop
Integrated Broodstock Management Workshop
Stage 0 Habitat Restoration Workshop


Plenary Theme: “Science-based regulations and angler ethics. Are tools missing from the toolbox?”
Location: Boise Center on the Grove, Boise, Idaho
Dates: March 6 – March 8, 2019
Nuts and Bolts of Genetics in Aquaculture
In-stream PIT Tag Detection System Equipment and Analytics Workshop


Plenary Theme: Fisheries Scientists Must Write
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Dates: February 28 – March 2, 2018
Scientific Writing and Editing
Wilderness First Aid Primer

2017 Joint Meeting with the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Plenary Theme: Common Grounds: Where Land and Water Meet
Location: Boise Centre, Boise, Idaho
Dates: February 27 – March 3, 2017
Meeting Report
Amphibian Identification
Aquaculture Continuing Education: Eagle Fish Health Lab Facilities Tours
Career Development Training
Endangered Species Act Overview and Section 7 Consultation
Idaho Bat Working Group Meeting
Introduction to Program R
Merging of Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitats – Principles to Improve Success
Technical Manuscript Editing and Review


Plenary Theme: Horizontal and Vertical Transmission of Fish Related Information
Location: The Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Dates: March 8-10, 2016
Meeting Report [from Fisheries 41(6):270]
Get it Published!
Monitoring and Adaptive Management Planning for Habitat Restoration
Aquaculture Continuing Education: Kootenai Tribal Fisheries Facilities Tours


Plenary Theme: Idaho’s Large Rivers: History, Management, and Restoration
Location: Boise Centre, Boise, Idaho
Dates: March 4-6, 2015
Inflow-Outflow, Responsible and Efficient Fish Culture
Forecasting adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead returns to the Snake River basin: working toward a better understanding of current methodology and moving toward a unified approach


Plenary Theme: Stream Connectivity in Fisheries Management: Fix It, Break It, or Leave It?
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Dates: February 11-13, 2014
Meeting Report [from Fisheries 39(10):471]
Program and Abstracts
Hatchery Innovations
PIT-Tag Detection Systems: Options for Remote Monitoring Applications
Viewing, Creating and Sharing Geospatial Information in Google Earth


Combined Meeting of the Idaho Chapter and the Western Division
Plenary Theme: Fisheries: Learning from the past and looking towards the future
Location: Boise Centre, Boise, Idaho
Dates: April 15-18, 2013
Meeting Report
Abstracts: General Session
Abstracts: Symposia Sessions
Abstracts: Poster Session
Power-Based Standardization in Electrofishing
Spatial Statistical Modeling on Stream Networks
Physical, Ecological, Engineering and Social Considerations in Using Wood in Stream Restoration
Physiologic Stress in Fish Culture and Fish Management: Good Stress, Bad Stress…Good Fish, Bad Fish
How Many Different Ways Is This Method Implemented? Discussion of Best Practices for Snorkeling Methodology and Pool Measurement Methods


Plenary Theme: Non-native species — managing the uncertainties
Location: Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Dates: March 7-9, 2012
Meeting Report [from Fisheries 37(7):322-323]
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Fish without borders


Plenary Theme: Native peoples fisheries: perspectives on past, present and future
Location: Doubletree Hotel Boise-Riverside, Boise, Idaho
Dates: March 2-4, 2011
Meeting Report [from Fisheries 33(7):346-347]
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Fisheries and Hatcheries Biosecurity Workshop


Plenary Theme: Idaho’s native fishes: understanding their distribution and abundance
Location: Red Lion Hotel, Pocatello, Idaho
Dates: March 3-5, 2010
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Unraveling the spring creek mystery: what should they look like and how do we get there


Plenary Theme: Hatchery supplementation for fishery conservation: diverse policies and applications
Location: Doubletree Hotel Boise-Riverside, Boise, Idaho
Dates: March 4-6, 2009
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Preventing the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Nuisance and Invasive Species
Grant Writing


Plenary Theme: Impacts of climate change on Idaho’s fishery resources
Location: Red Lion Templin’s Inn on the Spokane River, Post Falls, Idaho
Dates: February 6-8, 2008
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Designing for Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings
How to Work Effectively with the Media


Plenary Theme: Diversions, dams, and fish: managing the impact of diversions and dams on Idaho’s resident fish species
Location: Doubletree Hotel Boise-Riverside, Boise, Idaho
Dates: February 21-23, 2007
Meeting Report [from Fisheries 32(10):504-505]
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Current and Emerging Pathogens of Fishes in the Pacific Northwest


Plenary Theme: Economic aspects of Idaho fisheries: the great, but seldom used conservation tool
Location: Red Lion Riverside, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Dates: February 15-17, 2006
Meeting Report
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Population Viability
Exploring the Differences between Fine-spotted and Large-spotted Varieties of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
Hatchery Nutrition


Plenary Theme: Managing fisheries in the 21st century: meeting new challenges with new ideas
Location: Doubletree Hotel Boise-Riverside, Boise, Idaho
Dates: February 24-26, 2005
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Fish Genetics 101
Publicity Writing


Plenary Theme: Progressive fish culture: new paradigms for hatchery management
Location: Best Western University Inn, Moscow, Idaho
Dates: February 12-14, 2004
Program and Abstracts


Plenary Theme: Technology: Where are we, where are we headed, and has it made us better managers and investigators?
Location: Doubletree Hotel Boise-Riverside, Boise, Idaho
Dates: February 27-Mar 1, 2003
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Manuscript Preparation


Plenary Theme: The American Fisheries Society: what are we managing for?
Location: West Coast Pocatello Hotel, Pocatello, Idaho
Dates: February 28-Mar 2, 2002
Concurrent with Bonneville (Utah) Chapter
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
The Sinks Symposium: Exploring the Origin and Management of Fishes in the Sinks Drainages of Southeast Idaho
Proceedings of The Sinks Symposium


Plenary Theme: What is the proper role of genetics in fisheries management?
Location: Doubletree Hotel Boise-Riverside, Boise, Idaho
Dates: February 22-24, 2001
Program and Abstracts


Plenary Theme: Native fish: do they have to go to the ocean to be important?
Location: The Coeur d’ Alene Resort, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho
Program and Abstracts
Dates: March 13-15, 2000
Concurrent meeting with the North Pacific International Chapter


Plenary Theme: Snake River anadromous fish recovery and the role of dams
Location: The Grove Hotel, Boise, Idaho
Dates: March 4-6, 1999
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Fish Identification


Plenary Theme: Managing natural resources in a dynamic environment
Location: Cavanaughs on the Falls, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Dates: February 26-28, 1998
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Landscape Scale Disturbance: Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems
Fish Identification


Plenary Theme: Species that slip through the cracks of current management paradigms
Location: Owyhee Plaza Hotel, Boise, Idaho
Dates: February 27-March 1, 1997
Program and Abstracts
Workshops and Symposia:
Species That Slip Through The Cracks of Current Management Paradigms – Conservation of Non-game and Non-Threatened or Endangered Fish & Wildlife
Fish Identification

Annual Meetings Prior to 1997

Meeting information prior to 1997 is listed in The History of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (PDF).