Chapter Government

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, or EXCOM, is the governing body of the Chapter and is made up of the following positions: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Nominations Chairperson, Past President, BYU-I Student Unit President, Palouse Student Unit President, and Portneuf Student Unit President. The first seven officers are elected by the Chapter members at the annual meeting while the student unit presidents are elected by the members of the individual student units. The EXCOM is responsible for implementing the mission of the Chapter, overseeing the work of the Chapter, expending Chapter funds, and speaking on behalf of the Chapter. The EXCOM holds two face-to-face meetings during the year and also meets monthly via conference call.

Please visit the Current Chapter Officers page for a list of those currently serving on the Executive Committee.

Committee Chairpersons

The Chapter currently has nine committees and each committee is led by one or more chairpersons. These individuals oversee the work of their respective committee and coordinate the work of the committee with the EXCOM.

Please visit the Current Chapter Officers page for a list of those currently serving as committee chairpersons.

Bylaws and Officer’s Manual

The duties of the chapters officers are described in the Bylaws and Officer’s Manual of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (PDF). The current version of this document was approved by the Idaho Chapter Executive Committee, Idaho Chapter Membership, and National Governing Board in 2023.

Past Officers

Since the Chapter was formed in 1963, there have been numerous individuals that have served as chapter officers. Each of these individuals have brought a unique set of knowledge, talents, and abilities to their position and all have made important contributions to the Chapter. The Chapter is deeply grateful for their service.

A list of past Executive Committee members is found in the document Past Officers of the Executive Committee of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (PDF).