Meeting Information
2025 Idaho Chapter Meeting
“Piscicides in Idaho: a lost art and re-emerging tool for conserving native species in Idaho”
April 1 – 4, 2025 at Boise Centre on the Grove East, Boise, Idaho
With the 2025 chapter meeting only four months away, EXCOM members have been increasing their efforts towards planning and providing an informative and educational meeting. Foremost amongst these efforts is developing a plenary session and workshops. To that end, a plenary theme has been established and is titled, “Piscicide: a lost art and re-emerging tool for conserving native species in Idaho”.
The theme was selected based on the notion that many of our native fish species face ever increasing challenges. Competition, introgression, and predation with and from non-native species are amongst the largest threats as non-native species have spread. One of the most common techniques to turn the tide on non-native species is the application of piscicides; however, this tool is rarely used in Idaho, with but a few exceptions, despite many positive outcomes in other western states. In an attempt to build momentum for turning the tide, the 2025 plenary session will include a review of the history of rotenone use in Idaho as well as provide several case studies from surrounding states. The case studies will include efforts to conserve Rio Grande Cutthroat in New Mexico, Apache Trout in Arizona, Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Montana, and Bull Trout in our home state of Idaho. Successes, failures, and guidance will be shared.
In addition to the plenary session, EXCOM has been planning educational workshops for April 1st, 2025. As of now, there are four workshops planned. For now, these workshops’ topics will include: 1) aquaculture (full day); 2) water rights (½-day, afternoon) 3) communicating science (½-day, morning); and 4) understanding psychological biases (½-day, morning).
The meeting’s venue will be the Boise Centre, located in downtown Boise. A block of rooms is being held at the Grove Hotel for meeting participants. As part of the chapter’s long standing tradition, a couple of free rooms will be provided to each of the student sub-units. These rooms will be comped to the chapter if we meet booking thresholds, so please strongly consider booking your stay with the Grove Hotel. Hotel information may be found here: A Premier Boise Hotel -The Grove Hotel – Idaho
Child Care Options
Here are some offsite childcare options that are within 5 miles of the Boise Centre and accept drop-in care. They are sorted by age group, but many facilities offer availability for multiple age groups. Please contact the facilities as soon as possible to check for availability.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Lauren Andrews